Time-travelling British detective drama Life On Mars is being remade for Russian TV, with the action being set in the twilight years of the Soviet Union.
After a car crash, a tough Moscow cop is mysteriously transported back to 1979, with Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev in power and red neckerchief-wearing Young Pioneers still active.
The new Russian show is called The Dark Side Of The Moon, rather than Life On Mars.
This was the title of the David Bowie song that was playing on the radio when Sam Tyler, played by John Simm, found himself transported from 2006 to 1973 in the original show.
Life On Mars, which aired in Britain between 2006 and 2007, has also been remade in the United States, where it ran for only one series, starring Jason O'Mara and Harvey Keitel.
The Manchester of Life On Mars became New York for the US version (ABC)The BBC series focuses on the police culture of the 1970s versus the more politically correct ways of modern Britain.
The Russian makers admitted they had to reflect a very different situation, as overzealous police officers were not tolerated under the Soviet regime.
"In the British series, he goes from our time to that one and sees a harshness that does not work. He is a decent guy and opposes it," said producer Alexander Tsekalo.
"In our story, it is all absolutely the other way round. He finds himself in the 1970s and behaves with a harshness that is not appropriate for a policeman of the Soviet period.
"He can push his way into an apartment without a search order, break down the doors, twist people's arms and ask one-sided questions.
"They keep telling him, 'Have you gone mad? You're unbalanced. You mustn't do that. We don't do stuff like that.' We worked with the reality that we live in, because today the authorities are harsher in some ways than they were then."
Philip Glenister played the politically incorrect DCI Gene HuntThe Soviet police had a fairly minor role in a tightly-controlled country with little violent or organised crime. They were not nearly as powerful as the security forces such as the KGB.
In contrast, today's underfunded force is implicated in bribe-taking as well as allegations of drunken shootings and the torture of suspects.
The Dark Side Of The Moon is not the first time Russian television has remade a popular Western show, although this remake is unusual in taking on a darker drama with a complex concept.
A Russian channel had a huge hit with its remake of the originally Colombian show Ugly Betty, while the US sitcom Married With Children was successfully transported to the city of Yekaterinburg.
Russia has also brought in light entertainment formats such as the quiz show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? for its prime-time slot.