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Thousands March Against US Police Killings

Written By Unknown on Senin, 15 Desember 2014 | 00.00

Thousands March Against US Police Killings We use cookies to give you the best experience. If you do nothing we'll assume that it's ok. Close Play video "Anti-Police March In Washington" Video: Anti-Police March In Washington...
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Russia Denies Near-Miss With Passenger Jet

Moscow has denied one of its military planes nearly collided with a passenger plane over Sweden. Swedish defence forces said the incident happened on Friday when a Russian aircraft turned off its transponders to avoid commercial radar south of the...
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Tornado Hits US After Pineapple Express Storm

A tornado has damaged the roofs of an apartment complex and two houses in California. The twister, reportedly the first in Los Angeles since 2004, came hot on the heels of a storm system dubbed a Pineapple Express which pounded southern California...
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Two US Soldiers Killed In Taliban Attack

Two US soldiers were killed by Taliban forces in Afghanistan on Friday, an American military official has said. They died during a bomb attack on a NATO convoy near America's Bagram Airfield base in the east of the country. Meanwhile, at least six...
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New Bond Film Script Leaked After Sony Hacking

New Bond Film Script Leaked After Sony Hacking We use cookies to give you the best experience. If you do nothing we'll assume that it's ok. Close Sam Mendes and Daniel Craig were due to start filming Spectre this week A script...
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Top MP's Demand Over CIA Torture Report

By Sophy Ridge, Political Correspondent The head of the UK's Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) is demanding to see material documenting any British links to the CIA's use of torture. Sir Malcolm Rifkind, chair of the Commons committee, is...
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Japan's PM Shinzo Abe Re-Elected - Exit Polls

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 14 Desember 2014 | 23.59

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been re-elected with a two-thirds majority in a snap ballot, exit polls suggest. The vote had been portrayed by Mr Abe as a referendum on his plans to revive the world's third-biggest economy. The Japanese leader...
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Indonesia Landslide: 32 Dead And Scores Missing

A remote village in Indonesia has been destroyed in a landslide which has left at least 32 people dead and scores more missing. Rescuers searched through mud with their bare hands to try and find the lost villagers until light faded. Around 105 houses...
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UN Climate Talks Reach 'Watered-Down' Deal

Negotiators at United Nations talks in Peru have reached a compromise deal which sets the stage for a global climate pact to be made next year in Paris. After late-night wrangling, delegates from more than 190 nations meeting in Lima adopted a format...
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US Avoids Shutdown After Spending Bill Passed

The US Senate has passed a $1.1tr spending bill - and prevented a repeat of last year's government shutdown. The 56-40 vote on Saturday came as Congress ended a two-year legislative session that has been marred by bitter partisanship and few successes....
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